Toddler Gold

£45 up to 4 hours or £55 all day hire.

  • 16 x Foam Interlocking Matts
  • 1 x crocodile see-saw
  • 2 x animal themed tunnel
  • 2 x space hoppers
  • 1 x circle foam ball pit with balls
  • 2 x wooden ride on
  • 3 x softplay log stepping stones
  • 1 x wigwam style tent

Call our team today to arrange your soft play party on 07949 752 900!

Get more information about any of our soft play packages and their availability!

Fill out the contact form below with the information that would be best to reach you on, the package you are interested in and the date that your event planned for. Our team will be in touch within 24 hours to discuss.